Watsons understands our responsibilities go beyond just being a health and beauty retailer. We are committed to inspiring behavioral change leading to a more sustainable and inclusive world. Everyone’s action will add up to a big and positive impact – let’s make a difference to the world together.

Our Promise*


Recyclable, reusable or compostable packaging​**


Recycled plastic content in packaging


Virgin plastic reduction​


Unnecessary packaging​


Recyclable, reusable or compostable packaging​


Recycled plastic content in packaging*


Virgin plastic reduction​*


Unnecessary packaging​

*2025 target against a 2020 base year

**For compostable packaging material, it depends on the country's recycling infrastructure to cater for such material through local industrial facilities


Fighting the climate crisis

How do we protect our planet?


Empowering our people & communities

Women empowerment

Give cleft kids new lives

Commitments to our people

Commitments to community


Building trust with qualitative, safe and sustainable products

Ensure safe and sustainable products

Make better choices today

Educate for greener lifestyle

How do we protect our planet?

Women empowerment

Give cleft kids new lives

Commitments to our people

Commitments to community

Ensure safe and

sustainable products

Make better choices today

Educate for greener lifestyle

Every little

step counts,

make better

choices today

Every little

step counts,

make better

choices today

Let’s Go Green


At Watsons, we have a strong sense of responsibility to create a better world through our global operations. We share this vision with our colleagues, our customers and our communities. 

Learn tips to

protect the planet

Learn tips to

protect the planet

Read our Sustainability Report 2023